How to Call in Sick at McDonald’s – Guide

Sometimes you cannot report to work due to illness or a personal emergency. Knowing how to call in sick at McDonald’s properly is crucial to ensure smooth operations and maintain your professional reputation.

How to Call in Sick at McDonald's An Exhaustive Guide 1 (2) (1)
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This guide exhaustively explains the process based on McDonald’s policies and general best practices.

Understanding McDonald’s Sick Policy

Before calling in sick, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with McDonald’s policy regarding employee absences due to illness.

Each McDonald’s location may have slightly different policies, but an ill employee should generally call—not text—and inform a manager at least 2 hours before their shift begins. If this isn’t feasible, contact the manager as soon as possible.

  • Honesty is Crucial: McDonald’s values honesty and integrity from its employees. If you are genuinely ill and incapable of performing your duties efficiently, it’s critical to communicate this truth to your manager. Misrepresenting your situation can lead to disciplinary action, including termination. It’s also important to note that if you’re feeling under the weather but still capable of working, you should consider going to work. However, if you’re suffering from a contagious disease like the flu, staying at home is better to avoid spreading the illness to your coworkers and customers.
  • Doctor’s Note: Depending on the duration of your absence or the nature of your illness, McDonald’s may require a doctor’s note before you can return to work. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and health of all staff members and customers. For instance, if you’ve been diagnosed with a contagious disease like the flu, strep throat, or a stomach virus, your employer will likely need a doctor’s note stating that you’re no longer contagious before allowing you to return to work.
  • Sick Leave: McDonald’s offers ill leave to its employees following local laws and regulations. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these policies to understand your rights and obligations. Some McDonald’s locations offer paid sick leave, while others do not. Ensure you know your specific location’s policy to understand your location and avoid any misunderstandings or issues.

Step 1: Assess Your Health Condition

When you feel unwell, the first step is objectively assessing your health condition. If you’re experiencing minor symptoms like a slight headache or a runny nose, you might still be able to work.

However, if your symptoms are severe, like high fever, consistent vomiting, or intense body pain, it’s best to take a day off for your well-being.

Also, consider whether your symptoms are contagious. If they are, staying home is the responsible and respectful thing to do to prevent spreading the illness to your coworkers and customers.

Step 2: Find Your Store’s Contact Information

Having the correct contact information for your McDonald’s location is essential. This usually includes the store’s phone number and the name of your manager or supervisor.

This information is typically provided when you’re hired. If you need clarification or help finding this information, check with a coworker or look it up online.

Please save this information in a secure and easily accessible place so you don’t have to scramble to find it when you’re not feeling well.

Step 3: Prepare What You’re Going to Say

Before making the call, spend a few moments gathering your thoughts and preparing what you will say. Be clear and concise, explaining that you’re not feeling well and won’t be able to come to work.

If you know the specific nature of your illness (e.g., fever, flu, etc.), mention this as well. Writing down what you plan to say might be helpful, especially if you feel unwell.

You might say something like: “Hi [Manager’s Name], this is [Your Name]. I woke up feeling very unwell today. I have a high fever and a severe cough, and I believe it’s best for me and the team if I don’t come to work today.”

Step 4: Make the Call

How to Call in Sick at McDonald's An Exhaustive Guide 1 (1)
Image by Freepik

Once you’ve prepared your points, it’s time to make the call. Calling at least two hours before your shift starts is important. Here’s how to handle the call:

  • Be Professional: Even though you’re not feeling well, maintain a professional tone during the call. Start by identifying yourself, then explain that you’re unwell and won’t be able to make it to work.
  • Provide Details: Without oversharing, provide enough detail about your illness so your manager understands the situation. If you have a fever or another contagious symptom, mention this.
  • Discuss the Shift: If possible, discuss who can cover your shift or how your daily tasks can be managed in your absence. Offering solutions shows that you respect your team’s time and the potential inconvenience your absence might cause.

Step 5: Follow Up

After the call, sending a follow-up email or message may be necessary. This could be helpful if you need to provide additional details about your illness or if you need to share a doctor’s note.

The follow-up message also serves as a written record of your communication about your sick leave. Your follow-up message might look something like this:

“Dear [Manager’s Name], Following up on our phone conversation earlier, I am writing to confirm that I won’t be able to come to work today due to illness. As mentioned, I have a high fever and severe cough. I have a doctor’s appointment later today and will update you on my recovery. I appreciate your understanding.”

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Image by Freepik

Step 6: Take Care of Yourself

Once you’ve successfully called in sick, your focus should be on resting and recuperating. If your symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention. Follow your doctor’s advice, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest.

Don’t rush back to work until you’ve fully recovered—your health is essential, and McDonald’s is committed to ensuring the well-being of its staff.

Remember, every McDonald’s location might have slightly different policies regarding sick days, so it’s always a good idea to refer to your employee handbook or ask your manager for specific guidelines.

Following the proper procedure when calling in sick will demonstrate professionalism and respect for your team.